Summer Roundup, What You Missed

by Ryan McCoy Many of us tune out over summer break.  Whether it is the vacations, work or the late nights with friends, it is easy to lose track of what’s going on in the world. Here is a recap of the major events from summer 2018. May: President Trump announced that the US will … Continue reading Summer Roundup, What You Missed

Arming Educators: Bad Idea

by Samuel Abels In the wake of the Stoneman Douglas High School massacre by Nicholas Cruz in Parkland, FL, the United States of America has once again found itself in the rather circular debate on gun control measures. The liberal left wishes to induce total restriction of high-caliber firearms, while the conservative right does nothing … Continue reading Arming Educators: Bad Idea

The Shape of Water: Always Changing

by Samuel Abels Society is used to stories which defy its expectations and cultural norms. Ironic. While that remains ingrained in us, even presented at the most obscure fashion possible, the lovers of cinema and a good story still thrive on the notion of the traditional romance: man and woman, happiness, sadness  and possible parental … Continue reading The Shape of Water: Always Changing

Mind of a Progressive: The Republican War on Education

by Gary Thompson The last time we talked, we began a discussion about the Republican party’s war on college education. At that time, we discussed how so many Republicans find scientific truths to be inconvenient because they contradict or oppose their religious beliefs or financial basis.   Today, let’s look at why they don’t want … Continue reading Mind of a Progressive: The Republican War on Education

From the Progressive Mind: Empathy or Antipathy; It’s Your Choice

by Gary Thompson Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have blasted the Southern Coast of the United. We’ve all seen the pictures and videos. People who willingly chose, or were ordered, to evacuate were caught in bumper to bumper traffic on freeways and moving at a snails pace. Homes have been washed away or destroyed beyond recognition … Continue reading From the Progressive Mind: Empathy or Antipathy; It’s Your Choice

Remember to Honor

Jessica Madison September 11 is a day that brings sadness to so many people, and it is a day that will never be forgotten. Around the United States, there are many memorial ceremonies to remember and honor those who lost their lives that day and those who continue to fight for this country. This is … Continue reading Remember to Honor

From the Mind of a Progressive

by Gary Thompson As the Caterpillar asked of Alice, “Who Are You?” I am Gary Thompson, and I am a Progressive. What is a Progressive? So, I Googled ‘progressive’ and I got a bunch of nonsense: ads, insurance company jargon… I’m not an insurance company. Okay, I tried again using ‘political progressive,' and up pops … Continue reading From the Mind of a Progressive